Thursday, October 12, 2017

Golden Girl.

Annalee turned four on October 4th. Her golden birthday. We have been planning her golden bash for almost a year, slowly gathering up good deals of golden. And her friend party was spectacular, full of excessive golden details I can't contain. Her family party was at Grandmas and delicious and laid back and fun and just enough golden to round out her week of celebrations. Plus both sets of her grandparents were there so that was specialness all in its own.

Some stories and tidbits to remember her in this stage...

  • Annalee is a darling. Sweet and goofy and quiet and smart and really delightful. 
  • The other day after picking up Eli from school, I was holding Evan and the Annalee and Eli were walking to the van. A lady rolled down her window to mention to us "That is the cutest kid I have ever seen. And I have three kids!" Annalee is consistently commented on when we are out. She's adorable and the hair just tops it all off. She seems to take it all in stride but of course I worry it's going to make her a bit full of herself!
  • She's responsible. A few weeks ago I looked over and here she was, emptying the trash bin from their room that was overflowing into the larger trash in the kitchen. I didn't ask her to do it, she's never done this chore before. It was something she saw needed to be done and did it! WHAT!!?? She's often cleaning their room and tidying up a bit and oh that makes this mama heart soar!
  • She spent lots of her friend birthday in the corner at the small table with Daddy, or in a room with just one of the friends. She will take a small group over a large one most any day. 
  • She started preschool two mornings a week last month and has done fantastic. She walked right past all the screaming kids and started playing. She will have a hard time actually talking to anyone but she does just fine independently playing. And of course, she's been writing her name for a year and will have no problem learning letters and listening to the teachers. Her first day I got a full report on everything they did (including lining up multiple times), waaaay more than I ever heard from Eli! 
  • Annalee is not one to say words to people she doesn't know. To have her say thank you to a clerk or neighbor, I usually have to settle for a wave. She is shy and hesitant. But if she knows you, then she's alright to talk, mostly. At her well check Monday, she would not talk to the doctor (who's kid goes to her preschool so she knows her somewhat). She points OFTEN instead of using words. And she still breaks out baby talk occasionally. 
  • 1.79% for height. Yep. 
  • This girl loves to sing and talk and teach and dream in front of the bathroom mirror, as she stands there on the stool looking at herself. She goes to the bathroom then washes her hands and that takes a good 20 minutes because of the aforementioned distractions. It's become a thing and I do enjoy hearing her. Plus I usually know where she is. Also LET IT GO. Oi.
  • Coloring and crafts and projects are this girl's dream. She adores getting to do anything creative. I just gave her new markers and a piece of paper and she forgot all about whining to watch Daniel Tiger. 
  • She has started to have an opinion on her clothes. She loves a good A-line or shirt that flips out at the end... giving just enough poof to be dress-like. And if it's too dark or not her jam (like a sweatshirt, hates those) she may just have a meltdown if I try to get her to wear it. 
  • Annalee is a sister to two brothers and she's a great one. Different from Eli in personality but enough so that they get along more often than not. And she tolerates the little boy well, except when he chews her blankie. 
There's more but I better get this posted or it may not happen. LIFE. Just know I'm so amazingly grateful for the gift of a daughter on earth, raising her is a special joy and I'm thrilled. 

-Annalee's mom